Wednesday, September 19, 2007



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Thank you for visiting |Jimmy's whims & fancy| network.

p/s: so interested to work for me? haha... by the way this is one of my assignment research blog for few semesters ago... =P

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Technical report

In current Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the world has become a smaller place where people able to exchange information from anywhere and anytime by using the Internet as a tools of communication. The world has moving faster not only in reality by in cyberspace, that is the Internet. Large storage are required for servers to store the information to enable the users to retrieve the information from Internet.

So much information is being query everyday. To ensure information are able to be transmitted successfully by user’s queries, network database management tools are needed to ensure that the servers able to manage billions of data and information in the server storage.

For example such as Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) scripting language to assist the developer to build an interactive Graphic User Interface (GUI) web page with the feature that available by PHP script, this same goes to Java Scripting.

There are also quite some numbers of IDE (Integrated Development Tools) tools available in the Internet. Such as NetBeans IDE, enable developer to develop advance and detail GUI with it. Templates are available, such as button, text field, forms and etceteras. This is to reduce the coding work for developer by the GUI provided in NetBeans.

As for database management for the servers, language such as Structured Query Language (SQL) network management can be implemented in to the server system. By doing so it will help reduce traffic congestion as users queries information from the server. By implementing SQL, it able to improve the server performance without spending much on the hardware or software upgrade

Non-technical report

Our everyday life most of the time we are dealing with people, whether in the working environment, business environment and etceteras. Thus exchanging of information took place, from formal information to casual information. Information are a very vital as to make sure our daily work or chore are able to be done with the information given, whether in the reality world or cyberspace, that is the Internet world.

As for information flow in the Internet, there are billions of data or information being transmitted through out the Internet. Information such as files, digital music, digital movie, businesses transaction, pictures, and etceteras are being exchange everyday 24 hours 7 days a week.

To ensure the information that being exchange are successfully being sent and received by both party, servers are required to make sure information able to exchange and between the user and sender.

Connection medium is required; such as for example a vehicle from point ‘A’ wants to travel to point ‘B’ require a road to able to reach its destination. Same goes to the Internet; they called it the connection network. Tremendous amount of information are being transmitted through out the network from one point to another point.

‘Traffic congestion’ will occur too in the Internet. This can be avoided by implementing ‘traffic control’ to manage the information being exchanged between the sender and receiver. With traffic control, this enables the information flow in the Internet will be much better and reliable to avoid information failed to reach to its destination that caused by the traffic congestion

Monday, April 2, 2007

21st entry - Servers

Server is a very important component in the Internet environment, this is because server able to store a huge amount of data compared to desktop computing. It able to execute queries up to billion per day and perhaps more than that. With such huge amount of queries from the users, it able to provide information to the users that connected to it without much difficulty.

There are variety types of server available out to perform its own function. Server such as referring from Wikipedia (2007) ;
  • Application Server, specialize in executing certain software application,
  • Communication Server, dealing with communication purposes.
  • Game Server, hosting online games that currently on high demand in gaming industry.
  • File Server, provide file services.
  • Web Server, provide web site services such as web hosting.
  • and many other more type of servers.
Wikipedia (2007), "Servers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia",

Sunday, April 1, 2007

20th entry - SQL Syntax

SQL syntax is easy to understand and learn. This is because SQL syntax is in English. Because it is in English, it does not require user to remember much about the command syntax to query for an operation in SQL. Below are some SQL syntax example referring from W3Schools (2007);

SELECT lastName FROM Persons

INSERT INTO table_name (col1, col2, ...)

UPDATE table_name
SET column_name = col_name
WHERE col_name = value

DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE col_name = value

Above the syntax example are the basic command such as SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE and many more.

W3Schools (2007), "SQL Tutorial",

19th entry - Case study, Frienster + MySQL = result?

As Friendster chooses MySQL according to MySQL AB (2007) network as their databasde management application, they see the result and benefit as they implement MySQL to their server.

The performance of the Friendster server trasnmission bandwidth improved tremendously. Their bandwidth had improved so much that even transaction query up to a billion, the server respond to the client are much more faster and 'lighter'.

With MySQL, their server are being optimized and uptime at all time for reliability, without affecting their servers as maintenance take place or any emergency fail over purposes.

Their server are extensible, where they able to expand their system servers with the open source code flexibility that MySQL provided.

Friendster able to scale out their databases infrastructure with easy integration with open, less expensive components. They only need purchase hardware and software that are affordable to expand their servers system and by doing so with MySQL, it allowing Friendster to save million of dollars.

Friendster's staff able to access to the MySQL knowledge and senior technical advisors. With such services provided my MySQL, it enable Friendster's staff to able to operate the MySQL network much more easier and faster.

MySQL (2005), "mysql-friendster-casestudy.pdf (application/pdf Object)",

Saturday, March 31, 2007

18th entry - Case Study, Friendster with MySQL.

According to the case study provided from MySQL AB (2007), web page, it speak about Friendster an online community implemented MySQL in their database.

In the early 2003 as Friendster launched, they didn't expect their online community web server will attract so many users sign up as a members. In the 1st half of the year, Friendster hit a million user by that time.

The Friendster Engineering team does not expect this will happened. As the numbers of registered member growing rapidly as the days goes by, the Friendster database server's performance in 'crawling' state because of the heavy data load and traffic between the server and the members.

Soon complain from the members that the site is slow, downtime, or didn't function to what the members required. The engineering team have to find a solution on this matter. Their solution was to implement MySQL database environment to scale out the database network to withstand the amount of database generated everyday basis with out distracting or interrupting the uptime of the Friendster's servers.

MySQL (2005), "mysql-friendster-casestudy.pdf (application/pdf Object)",

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

17th entry - Reason to use MySQL 2nd part

This is the second portion of the reason to use MySQL as referring to MySQL AB (2007), as one of the database management application for businesses purposes. Below are the reason shown;
  • Strong data protection. MySQL offers unique security features to ensure database informations are kept safe in the database management servers. It also support SSH (Secure SHell) and SSL (Secure Socket Layar) secure connection to prevent data being tapped by unauthorized user.
  • Comprehensive application development. MySQL provide wide variety of tools and functionality to able to support every application development need. Embedded plug-in libraries, connectors and drivers are also included in MySQL.
  • Management Ease. With all the tools and functionality provided, it will ease up the administration and management of the database server. Indirectly, huge amount of time are being saved.
  • Open source freedom and support 24 x 7. With open source, developer able to modify or tune the code according to their desire without any much difficulty or legal protocol required for it. MySQL also provide services support and professional services to assist the developer.
  • Lowest total cost of ownership. MySQL database server application is freeware and it can save thousand of dollars for the businesses organization. Not only in term of the cost of purchasing the application but also save time, does not require to purchase expensive hardware or software to operate the database management server, easy to maintain, avoid wasting time for troubleshooting and to name a few.
MySQL AB (2007), "MySQL AB :: Top 10 Reasons to Use MySQL",

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

16th entry - Reason to use MySQL 1st part

There are quite some number of concrete reason to use MySQL as referring to MySQL AB (2007), as one of the database management application for businesses purposes. Below are the reason shown;
  • Scalability and flexibility. Enable developer to have the flexibility to scale the application he/she desire for storing database warehouse in the servers.
  • High performance. The MySQL database server allow developer to configure the desired capacity requirement server to enable to maximize the performance of the output.
  • High availability. Provide the reliability and constant uptime availability through out the day, everyday, 24 hours a week.
  • Robust transaction support. Provide multiple level of support for example transaction support, deadlock support, multi-version support, distributed transaction capability and to name a few.
  • Web and data warehouse strength. Capable to withhold tremendous amount of data with reliable and high speed data transaction and processing without much difficulty.
MySQL AB (2007), "MySQL AB :: Top 10 Reasons to Use MySQL",

15th entry - MySQL database

As discussed in the previous entry regarding SQL, it is a language that been used in the database management server systems. Thus MySQL is an open source database application for data management.

It is one of the popular database language for web application and database component for platform such as Linux, Mac, Windows, Apache, PHP, Perl, Python.

The business benefit referring from MySQL AB (2007), that uses MySQL are:
  • Reducing the cost of database licensing costs over by 90%
  • Prevent system downtime by more than 50% to 60%
  • Reducing hardware spending
  • Reducing administration cost
  • Reducing engineering cost
  • Reducing support cost
  • Ease the management of database
  • Improve network bandwidth transmission
MySQL AB (2007), "MySQL AB :: About MySQL AB",

Monday, March 26, 2007

14th entry - Structured Query Language (SQL)

Structured Query Language is another computer language for database. It enable user to create, retrieve, update and delete from the database server. It is important to implement SQL database to ease the problem of managing big amount of database in business online transaction.

SQL practically is an ANSI (American National Standard Institute) standard for the computing database language. As mentioned SQL enable user to from creating records to deleting records. SQL is widely use by organization around the world to maintain their databases and it also able to works with multiple types of database program, such as Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL server and etceteras.

W3Schools (2007), "SQL Introduction",

13th entry - NetBeans UML Features in detail

Refering from the NetBeans (2007), UML not only provide features such as shown in previous entry. It provide features such as forward engineering and reverse engineering. Developer able to produce code from the UML model for more details coding and functionality towards the application the developer creating. None the less it also able design an UML models diagram by refering to previous existing code.

As the UML diagram are being created, there will be no any artificial tag. Sometimes those tag can be annoying to certain developer, this is because the developer will need to delete those marker if it is not the marker that the developer desire to be in the coding. Marker tag such as comment tag that always auto generated when ever a new set of code being enter.

NetBeans UML supports up to 8 diagrams, Activity, Class, Collaboration, Component, Deployment, Sequence, State and Use Case diagram. Diagram are very important for the initial design stage, because it will reflects the overall functionality of the system incorporate with the hardwares, softwares and users.

It also allow requirement gathering through it together with predefine and extensible design pattern. Developer able to import the design requirement into xml file for viewing. With this method it allow web reporting to be created directly from the UML model to make sharing the report with others easier and faster in this way.

NetBeans (2007) , "uml: NetBeans UML Modeling",

Sunday, March 25, 2007

12th entry - NetBeans UML(UniField Modeling Language)

According to NetBeans (2007), it also provide feature such as object modeling diagram or UML. This will allow analyst and designer to able to design and plan for the application before entering into the coding stage for the application. With such features on NetBeans, developer able to make changes or update their UML and coding application in collaboration from the code generated from UML intergrated it with the application coding procedure. Below are some screen shot of the NetBeans UML Modelling.

NetBeans (2007), "uml:NetBeans UML Modeling",

11th entry - NetBeans for Web Application Development

According to the NetBeans(2007) also provide features for Web Application Development incorporate with Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE) that had been discussed in entry 8th regarding J2EE characteristic. NetBeans support the Sun Application, Weblogic 9 and JBoss 4. The J2EE version that are able to use with NetBeans are from J2EE version 1.3 to 1.5.

NetBeans IDE application tools are very useful for web application development because it able to support variety of other application beside discussed in paragraph above. Tools such as context help for HTML syntax, JSP syntax, visual editing for the web layout to be build, debugging tools and etceteras.

It also allow the developer to run or preview the layout of the web application being build in the web browser. Validation can take place by using J2EE Verifier with NetBeans IDE application to build a reliable web application without any certification difficulty.

NetBeans (2007), "NetBeans IDE Features",

Thursday, March 22, 2007

10th entry - NetBeans Swing GUI Builder tools

According to NetBeans (2007), Swing GUI(Graphics User Interface) tools enable the user to drag and drop some simple and intuitive graphics layout, such as button, drop down menu, button, text box and others. It also provide some guideline for spacing and alignment between the graphics being place on the layout.

There are also pre-installed pluging component for the NetBeans application. With the 'Help' section manager, it able to assist the user with task like synchronizing the GUI and JavaBean properties. It also provide users with pre-code template to reduce the action method coding for the graphics layout that been selected, such as labels, buttons, text field box and etceteras.

NetBeans (2007), "Netbeans IDE Features",

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

9th entry - NetBeans IDE (Intergrated Developement Enviroment) for Java Coding

Refering to NetBeans (2007), it is an open source IDE for programmer developer. NetBeans does have quite number of feature that help developer to make typing of code less and easier. This IDE can be used many platform environment such as Windows, Linux, Solaris and MacOS. NetBeans is not a programming language but it is a tools that assist the developer to create powerful application without having difficulty by coding it line by line.

Below are a screen shot of NetBeans overview:

NetBeans (2007), "Introduction to the NetBeans IDE 5.5",

8th entry - Java Technology, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)

This entry will discuss more regarding about the Java Technology for medium to large business. By using J2EE, it enable businesses to develop, deploying, and managing more than 3-tier or multi-tier network communication and server-centric application.

It also have the functionality stable and secure application for network environment. This are very important feature that most business required to prevent any unwanted unauthorized access to the network or any security breach in the system.

J2EE able to help the business enterprise to reduce cost and the complexity of the developing and implementation of the multi-tier network communication. Indirectly it not only help to reduce cost, but it also help to reduce time of developing and implementation. With such advantage services of to businesses to the client will be increased rapidly.

Sun Microsystems (2007), "Java EE Technologies at a Glance",

Monday, March 19, 2007

7th entry - Java Technology

Refering to Sun Microsystems (2007), Java technology is a very powerful technology where it is an independent program that can be used in every platform without some other requirement. There are three choices of Java platform edition technology, that suit according to which area of need.
  • Small and mobile devices
  • PC desktops
  • Medium to large businesses
The Java Technology for Small and mobile devices are targeted for developer that creating small or micro application for especially for mobile devices, Such as cell phone, PDAs (Personal Diary Assistants) and other small devices.

The Java Technology for PC Desktops are for the widest range of desktop systems available today. Application that developed through Java Technology are usually for secure and portable purposes application.

Finally the Java Technology for Medium to Large Businesses are especially for businesses with multiple application from server, desktop and mobile range form of communication for businesses purposes. With Java Technology, the developer does not need to worry much about the compatibility of the systems for Java Technology based application, because Java is self independent and portable platform applications.

Sun Microsystems (2007), "About Java Technology",

Sunday, March 18, 2007

6th entry - PHP data types

According to '' Jandus Technology(2006), the data types of a variable is not set by the programmer but is determine by the PHP after it processes the input from the web. The data types in PHP are:

  • String data type:
    • Sample of String data type: '$strName = "Jimmy";'
  • Numeric data type
    • Sample of Integer numeric data type: '$intNo = 123;'
    • Sample of Double numeric data type: '$doubCash = 12.34;'
  • Array data type
    • Sample of Array data type: '$arrBox[0] = 543; $arrBox[1] = 345; $arrBox[2] =567;'

PHP stores quite an amount of whole numbers in platform-dependent range. The range of the data type or variable is usually the length of 32-bit (2 the power of 32). Integer Variable can ber set to negative or positive value. Double variable are usually also called floating point variable where they can be specific by using or assigning 'point' in the integer notation

Jandus Technology(2006), "Variable in PHP",

Saturday, March 17, 2007

5th entry - PHP syntax

Refering to Wikipedia(2007) The PHP acts as a filter and takes input from the data that containing text and other instruction. the PHP compiler will compiles the input and creating the byte code fro processing. For example the code below:

?php echo 'Welcome to PHP scripting!'; ?

The PHP only compiles or execute the code withing the "?" and "?" bracket. Code that outside the bracket will be ignored. The result of the output from above the code will be:

"Welcome to PHP scripting!"

The statement of the code are usually ended by semicolon ";"

Wikipedia (3rd April 2007),"PHP",

Thursday, March 15, 2007

4th entry - PHP in detail

According to The PHP Group(2007) PHP are supported by most of all the major operating systems. Operating systems such as Linux, Solaris, Microsoft Window, Mac OS X and others. With the current version of PHP versions (4.4.6 or 5.2.1), it able to support most of the web servers available today in the market. Servers such as Apache, Microsoft Internet Information Server, Personal Web Server, Caudium, Xitami, and many others more.

PHP can also work as supporting CGI standard and also can work as CGI processor. By using PHP scripting language, we have easier choice by selecting any operating system and web server. Further more we may have a choice by using procedural programming or object oriented programming or both of the method together.

It is not only to present HTML (HyperText Markup Language) but also enable to present images, PDF files and Flash movies. Text also can be output or present by XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language) and XML (Extensible Markup Language). Beside presenting such file format mentioned in this paragraph, PHP also able to auto generate the files and save them in the file system. With this function, the PHP does not require printing the output files result on the screen but creating a server side cache system for the dynamic content.

The PHP Group, "PHP: What can PHP do? - Manaul",

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

3rd entry - PHP scripting language for B2B systems

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a server side scripting language. According to (The PHP Group (2007)) PHP language enable us to function as similar to other CGI (Computer Graphic Interface) program. Function such as collecting data, generating dynamic page content or send and receiving cookies (information that is stored into the users system by the web server).

PHP scripting language is not only limited to the function discussed in paragraph above, it able to function much more. PHP involve in 3 different areas where PHP scripting language are able to be used.

The first area will be the server-side scripting, the most common or conventional way and main purpose for PHP scripting language. Another 3 things needed for the PHP scripting to run in web server environment, the PHP parser, a web server and a web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox). The server-side scripting can also be run on home machine (desktop) for experimenting purposes.

Second area will be the command line scripting. With command line scripting, PHP script able to run without any web server or Internet browser. Unlike the server-side scripting where it required the web server and Internet browser. It only needs the PHP parser and usually command line scripting is suitable for environment such as Linux or task scheduler in Window. Simple processing task are also able to be use in this area of command line scripting.

Final area will be writing desktop application. For writing desktop application, PHP is not really an idea way to write an application for desktop. This is because there are much better languages that are suitable to writing application for desktop, such as JAVA and Visual Basic.

The PHP Group (2007), "PHP: What can PHP do? - Manaul",

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

2nd entry - Business-to-Business transaction

This entry will be focusing on Business-to-Business (B2B) transaction since ITC382 subject are relating to B2B transaction more According to the book ‘Electronic- Commerce: A Managerial Perspective 2006 by Efraim Turban, Pearson Education’; the basic concepts of B2B refers to transaction or interactions occur between businesses organizations, that is conducted electronically over the Internet, extranets, intranets, private network and to name a few. Usually B2B transactions involved large amount of product or services requested from the buyer to the seller.

B2B business have varies type of business activities. It usually is conducted alongside with the supply chains of the company. Supply chain are the material, information, money, services and raw material that is from suppliers to factories and to warehouses where the trail will end to the customers. In B2B concept customer can be an organization requesting for product and services from seller.

With the existence of B2B transaction a proper systems are required to ensure that all the transaction or communication between seller and buyer are reliable. This is to prevent unwanted incident such as organization’s system being hack by hacker, vital information being tap, server breakdown, error in server and etceteras. Such issue should be minimize to as low as 0% so that the organization able to gain the customer trust to deal business using the Internet and the facility provided.

Efraim Turban(2006), "Electronic-Commerce: A Managerial Merspective 2006", 2006 edition, Pearson Education.

Monday, March 12, 2007

1st entry - ITC382 assignment 1.

In this millennium electronic business is growing rapidly in the cyber world or the Internet. This is prior to the massive growing of Internet users over the entire world. The Internet Service Providers (ISP) are also providing competitive prices for the Internet connection, where it enable people from all background to able to use the Internet with a unlimited monthly usage with a fix price; or limited monthly usage with hourly charges or other type of charges calculation.

With the existence of Internet, the term electronic-commerce and electronic-business are on the rise of this new age of technology. According to the book ‘Electronic- Commerce: A Managerial Perspective 2006 by Efraim Turban, Pearson Education’; Electronic-Commerce involves business transaction such as buying, selling, or exchanging product, services, or information via the system networks. As for Electronic- Business is a broader term or definition of Electronic-Commerce not only just include the attribute of Electronic-Commerce but also including servicing customers, collaborating with other business partners, and conducting electronic transmission within an organization.

There are many type of transaction or interaction in Electronic-Business; such as Business-to-Business (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Consumer-to-Business (C2B), Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C), Peer-to-Peer (P2P), Mobile-Commerce, E-Learning and many more of example.

The infrastructure for the E-Commerce or E-Business can be done by using multiple programming tools available in the Internet. Some are free or cost us some amount of payment to able to make full use of the software application. Software such as Java, Visual Basic, Oracle, System Query Language (SQL), Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language (xHTML), Macromedia Dreamweaver, and to name a few.

This entry will be an overview or introduction of E-Business or E-commerce, the type of interaction involves and application software that require to build the infrastructure for online environment.

Next entry will be discussing more detail on the type of infrastructure and application software that require to build client server.

Efraim Turban(2006), "Electronic-Commerce: A Managerial Merspective 2006", 2006 edition, Pearson Education.