Tuesday, March 20, 2007

9th entry - NetBeans IDE (Intergrated Developement Enviroment) for Java Coding

Refering to NetBeans (2007), it is an open source IDE for programmer developer. NetBeans does have quite number of feature that help developer to make typing of code less and easier. This IDE can be used many platform environment such as Windows, Linux, Solaris and MacOS. NetBeans is not a programming language but it is a tools that assist the developer to create powerful application without having difficulty by coding it line by line.

Below are a screen shot of NetBeans overview:

NetBeans (2007), "Introduction to the NetBeans IDE 5.5", http://www.netbeans.org/products/ide/

8th entry - Java Technology, Enterprise Edition (J2EE)

This entry will discuss more regarding about the Java Technology for medium to large business. By using J2EE, it enable businesses to develop, deploying, and managing more than 3-tier or multi-tier network communication and server-centric application.

It also have the functionality stable and secure application for network environment. This are very important feature that most business required to prevent any unwanted unauthorized access to the network or any security breach in the system.

J2EE able to help the business enterprise to reduce cost and the complexity of the developing and implementation of the multi-tier network communication. Indirectly it not only help to reduce cost, but it also help to reduce time of developing and implementation. With such advantage services of to businesses to the client will be increased rapidly.

Sun Microsystems (2007), "Java EE Technologies at a Glance", http://java.sun.com/javaee/technologies/