Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Technical report

In current Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the world has become a smaller place where people able to exchange information from anywhere and anytime by using the Internet as a tools of communication. The world has moving faster not only in reality by in cyberspace, that is the Internet. Large storage are required for servers to store the information to enable the users to retrieve the information from Internet.

So much information is being query everyday. To ensure information are able to be transmitted successfully by user’s queries, network database management tools are needed to ensure that the servers able to manage billions of data and information in the server storage.

For example such as Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) scripting language to assist the developer to build an interactive Graphic User Interface (GUI) web page with the feature that available by PHP script, this same goes to Java Scripting.

There are also quite some numbers of IDE (Integrated Development Tools) tools available in the Internet. Such as NetBeans IDE, enable developer to develop advance and detail GUI with it. Templates are available, such as button, text field, forms and etceteras. This is to reduce the coding work for developer by the GUI provided in NetBeans.

As for database management for the servers, language such as Structured Query Language (SQL) network management can be implemented in to the server system. By doing so it will help reduce traffic congestion as users queries information from the server. By implementing SQL, it able to improve the server performance without spending much on the hardware or software upgrade

Non-technical report

Our everyday life most of the time we are dealing with people, whether in the working environment, business environment and etceteras. Thus exchanging of information took place, from formal information to casual information. Information are a very vital as to make sure our daily work or chore are able to be done with the information given, whether in the reality world or cyberspace, that is the Internet world.

As for information flow in the Internet, there are billions of data or information being transmitted through out the Internet. Information such as files, digital music, digital movie, businesses transaction, pictures, and etceteras are being exchange everyday 24 hours 7 days a week.

To ensure the information that being exchange are successfully being sent and received by both party, servers are required to make sure information able to exchange and between the user and sender.

Connection medium is required; such as for example a vehicle from point ‘A’ wants to travel to point ‘B’ require a road to able to reach its destination. Same goes to the Internet; they called it the connection network. Tremendous amount of information are being transmitted through out the network from one point to another point.

‘Traffic congestion’ will occur too in the Internet. This can be avoided by implementing ‘traffic control’ to manage the information being exchanged between the sender and receiver. With traffic control, this enables the information flow in the Internet will be much better and reliable to avoid information failed to reach to its destination that caused by the traffic congestion

Monday, April 2, 2007

21st entry - Servers

Server is a very important component in the Internet environment, this is because server able to store a huge amount of data compared to desktop computing. It able to execute queries up to billion per day and perhaps more than that. With such huge amount of queries from the users, it able to provide information to the users that connected to it without much difficulty.

There are variety types of server available out to perform its own function. Server such as referring from Wikipedia (2007) ;
  • Application Server, specialize in executing certain software application,
  • Communication Server, dealing with communication purposes.
  • Game Server, hosting online games that currently on high demand in gaming industry.
  • File Server, provide file services.
  • Web Server, provide web site services such as web hosting.
  • and many other more type of servers.
Wikipedia (2007), "Servers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server

Sunday, April 1, 2007

20th entry - SQL Syntax

SQL syntax is easy to understand and learn. This is because SQL syntax is in English. Because it is in English, it does not require user to remember much about the command syntax to query for an operation in SQL. Below are some SQL syntax example referring from W3Schools (2007);

SELECT lastName FROM Persons

INSERT INTO table_name (col1, col2, ...)

UPDATE table_name
SET column_name = col_name
WHERE col_name = value

DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE col_name = value

Above the syntax example are the basic command such as SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE and many more.

W3Schools (2007), "SQL Tutorial", http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp

19th entry - Case study, Frienster + MySQL = result?

As Friendster chooses MySQL according to MySQL AB (2007) network as their databasde management application, they see the result and benefit as they implement MySQL to their server.

The performance of the Friendster server trasnmission bandwidth improved tremendously. Their bandwidth had improved so much that even transaction query up to a billion, the server respond to the client are much more faster and 'lighter'.

With MySQL, their server are being optimized and uptime at all time for reliability, without affecting their servers as maintenance take place or any emergency fail over purposes.

Their server are extensible, where they able to expand their system servers with the open source code flexibility that MySQL provided.

Friendster able to scale out their databases infrastructure with easy integration with open, less expensive components. They only need purchase hardware and software that are affordable to expand their servers system and by doing so with MySQL, it allowing Friendster to save million of dollars.

Friendster's staff able to access to the MySQL knowledge and senior technical advisors. With such services provided my MySQL, it enable Friendster's staff to able to operate the MySQL network much more easier and faster.

MySQL (2005), "mysql-friendster-casestudy.pdf (application/pdf Object)",